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StrokeWatch 2013

Christmas Party

12/18/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 4:59 am

Mariyn and Preston put all the Christmas decorations on display for BARC’s Christmas party this year. Marilyn’s supply of reindeer and Santa hats had us all in a festive mood. There was great food and games after the meal. A big thank you to Marilyn and Preston for hosting the party again this year. Below are some pics from the party.

Unfortunately Santa’s Christmas Row on the next morning ended up a breakfast because the north wind had made mud lake too shallow for the 8.

December Workday

12/07/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 1:18 pm

It was a bit too windy for rowing, but a few hardy rowers came out anyway to help out with the workday. The old saying that many hands make for light work was demonstrated again this morning. Some of the activities were sweeping out the boathouse, washing and rigging the 8, washing and labeling the recently acquired double and single Hudsons. Below is a pic of the members and junior members who helped. Back row is Kevin, Richard (a junior), Joy (parent), Bryan and David. In the front row are Susie, Jen, and juniors Faith, and Tori. The shovel in the picture was used in the groundbreaking when the boathouse was first built.

25th Anniversary - November 9th

10/29/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 2:47 am

BARC celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a wine tasting party at Chelsea Wine Bar. On November 9th from 3 to 7 PM. Some of the original founding members were there to discuss "the way things were". It was an interesting afternoon. Below is a pic of the view from the roof top patio.

More pics at

Scramble & Breakfast

10/20/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 3:03 am

A big thanks to all who attended the Scramble yesterday. After rowing, fueled by breakfast tacos/juice/hot coffee, we loaded up the 8+s and launches for the Team Concepts event this coming week. Below is a pic of the BARC scramblers unrigging an 8.

September 2013 Challenge Results

10/19/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 9:48 am

35 BARC rowers logged 2090 kilometers in September. That is 35 out of over the more than 100 that i we currently have listed as members. Sadly, it looks like many of the rowers who took classes and joined over the summer are no longer rowing - let’s try to get them back! Greg is now the King of the Hill with 217 k logged in September and 1745 for the year. Since Anke has moved away and is no longer logging rows she did not record any kilometers for the month, but she is still 2nd for the year with 1555. Veli is 3rd with 127/1123, while Cory and Hannes are at a tie with 947 YTD. Full results can be seen here.

July 2013 Challenge Results

08/04/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 4:34 pm

41 rowers logged 2317 kilometers in July, very much in line with July a year ago, where 2328 Kilometers were logged.

The usual suspects took the top spots, though Vili advanced one place to take the number 3 spot from Cory who dropped to 5th place, just behind Bryan who is now in 4th.

Full results can be seen here.

Some of the new rowers recorded their kilometers by handwriting their names on the list, but unfortunately I was not able to post their results because I wasn’t able make out the names as written. Perhaps you can help me. Here is a picture of the names as written:

I get Lee Turner, Marcia Tourtelott, and Aron Edwards, but I could use some help with the rest. I you know who they are, please send an email to

Thanks, Hannes

BARC Summer Party & Goodbye Anke

08/04/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 2:39 am

BARC’s summer party was combined with a goodbye party for one of its most willing volunteers. Anke has served as regatta coordinator for the past 5 years, volunteered for TIYLI sessions, teaching sculling classes, served on the BOD for two terms, and was Space City Sprints coordinator. Everyone had a great time at the summer party this year with plenty of tasty side dishes to go with the hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken breasts, and afterwards, several enjoyed cooling off in the pool. Many thanks to Marilyn and Preston for opening up their home for our summer festivities. Below a pic of Anke as she recieves a little reminder of the good times she had at BARC.

New faces on the water

07/29/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 3:36 pm

Welcome our July 27th Sculling Class participants. They are off to a great start! Pictured below, from left to right: Jonathan Walker, Elizabeth Gabriel, Anita Sapre, Natacha Chough, Kumail Ali, and Adam Ali.

And thanks to our instructors this past weekend, Maria, Bryan, Jen, Saul, Ben, Andrew, and Villi.

Scramble / Breakfast / Workday

07/13/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 1:05 pm

Thanks to all who came out to the Scramble/breakfast/workday this morning. We had a lot of fun, ate some great breakfast tacos, and got a lot of things done around the boathouse and docks. Below is a pic of the 8 in the scramble.

After the scramble, Greg scrambled up some eggs.

The breakfast tacos gave us all the energy needed for the workday activites that followed, one of which was to sweep out the boathouse as pictured below.

More Pictures (slideshow) can be seen here.

July 2013 Sculling Class

07/07/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 3:37 pm

6 Students showed up for the July Sculling Class, and Louis Riley was there to capture the fun on pictures (in addition to helping with the teaching).

See Louis’ other pictures here.

June 2013 Challenge Results

07/06/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 2:50 pm

44 rowers logged 2444 kilometers in June, making that month the busiest one of the year so far. The usual suspects led the way, with Greg logging 220k, Anke doing 218, and Bryan breathing down their necks with 210. Overall, Anke still leads with 1115 Kilometers, Greg has 1004. There is big gap to # 3, Cory, who has 651. He is followed by Veli with 632. The full results can be seen here.

Father’s Day Row

06/16/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 10:09 am

With most of BARC’s great 8, out of town, the remnants rowed a 4+ this morning, after celebrating Father’s Day by treating the fathers like kings.

May 2013 Challenge Results

06/07/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 6:39 am

1667 kilometers were logged by 35 rowers in May, up from April where1539 k were logged. Most ks were (as usual) logged by Anke with 222, followed by by Greg with 176. Third was Veli with 150 and Cory was fourth with 128. The overall competition is also led by Anke, followed by Greg, Cory, Veli and James. Full results can be seen here.

Space City Sprints 2013

04/21/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: Dennis @ 3:16 pm

The 2013 Space City Sprints Regatta was a huge success, well attended with 110 rowers from 7 clubs. Our colorful dock masters committee, pictured below, got everyone on their way.

Our finish line committee, pictured next, timed the races, and waved wandering dragon + fishing boats off the course.

Our registration desk, below, entered the times, and printed the results.

Our Medical Officer, Doc Cliff, dispensed aspirin, band aids, and healthful advise.

All under the watchful eyes of our Regatta Coordinator, Anke, who spent countless hours organizing the event.

Many more pictures may be found here.

For results, click here.

Thank You Greg!

04/01/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 5:54 am

Greg is continuing his much needed improvements to the boathouse. As you can see on the picture below, his latest addition is something that has been requested ever since the boathouse was built. So no more walking half-way across the park or “using the bushes” when you have to go.

Greg says he isn’t stopping there! Coming up next are showers, and maybe a Jacuzzi “if I can find a sponsor” says Greg.

February 2013 Challenge Results

03/09/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 6:14 pm

We’ve got a slow start on the year - probably because of the inconsistent weather. In January, 26 members logged 1001 kilometers, and in February, 29 members logged 1375. The usual suspects are leading: Greg had at the end of February logged 283 k, while Anke was 2nd with 255. Cory, James, and Hannes rounded out the top 5. Full results can be seen here.

Heart of Texas Regatta, March 2nd, 3rd 2013

03/09/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 6:02 pm

About 10 BARC Rowers traveled to Austin to compete in the Heart of Texas Regatta on March 2nd and 3rd. The result of this outing was a good time and lots of medals.

2013 Heart of Texas Results
Men’s Masters Double 1st to Cory and James, 5th to Bryan and Hannes
Women’s Masters Double 4th to Anker and Susie
Men’s Masters Single 1st to Cory
Mixed Masters B Quad 2nd to Anke, Emily, Greg and James
Mixed Masters C-J Quad 3rd to Marcia, Susie, Bryan and Hannes
Mixed Masters C-J Quad 3rd to Marcia, Susie, Bryan and Hannes
Men’s Open Quad 1st to James, Cory, Greg and Kevin
Mixed Masters Double 1st to Anke and Greg, 2nd to Mary and James
Men’s Open coxed four 4th to James, Cory, Greg and Kevin
Women’s Masters Quad 4th to Anke, Emily, Susie and Mary
Women’s Masters 8+ 4th to the same four as above in combination with 4 GHRC rowers

In the Club competition, BARC took 3rd for Masters.

Complete results can be seen at Austin Rowing Club’s website, here.

2013 BARC Annual Meeting

02/11/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 10:26 am

BARC’s annual meeting and elections was held this past weekend, and the following officers and members at large were elected: Vice President - Greg Wood, Treasurer - Wendy Haugan, Members at Large - Bryan Snook and Emily Wood. Several Special Recognition awards were presented including the “Best Dressed Rower Award” given to Marilyn, pictured below:

More pictures from the Annual Meeting can be seen here.

Fall Regatta Season 2012

01/18/13 | Filed under: General | Posted by: site admin @ 8:32 pm

BARC went to two regattas in Texas for the head races in fall 2012, and a small group made it all the way to Seattle, Washington, to row with our former member Alex at the Head of the Lake Regatta.

The first regatta was the Head of the Colorado (Pumpkinhead) on October 27th in Austin, TX. A large group of 15 rowers from BARC participated this year, this being the first regatta of some new members who started rowing in 2012, and we even had our special guest Ryan coming all the way from Afghanistan to row with us. As composite crews together with GHRC, we were able to fill up a MMa8+ and a WMa8+ and overall won several medals.

2013 Head of the Colorado (Pumpkinhead) Results
MJr Novice 1x C. Neely 2nd
MO1x G. Wood 4th
MMa2x J. Macfarlane/C. Logan 2nd, B. Snook, H. Hofer 6th
MO2x K. Moore, D. St.Jacques 1st
MMa4x J. Macfarlane, K. Moore, D. St.Jacques, C. Logan 2nd
WO4x A. Hielscher, E. Wood, J. Law, S. Jones 3rd
MxMa4x A. Hielscher, E. Wood, R. Chambers, G. Wood 4th

The windy conditions on November 11th, could not hold off 12 brave BARC rowers to row through white caps on Lake Woodlands for the Slay the Dragon regatta, organized by The Woodlands rowing club. In spite of the conditions, BARC once again won many medals at this nice local Houston regatta.

2013 Slay the Dragon Results
MJr1x C. Neeley 4th
MMa1x C. Logan 2nd, K. Moore 5th
MMa2x C. Logan, J. Macfarlane 1st; G. Wood, K. Moore 3rd; V. Petrov, B. Meltzer 5th
WMa4x A. Hielscher, E. Wood, J. Law, S. Jones, 1st
MMa4x J. Macfarlane, K. Moore, G. Wood, C. Logan, 1st
WMa2x A. Hielscher, S. Jones 1st; J. Law, M. Tourtelott, 2nd
MxMa2x M. Tortelott, B. Meltzer, 5th
MxMa4x A. Hielscher, E. Wood, G. Wood, J. Macfarlane, 2nd

For the Head of the Lake Regatta in Seattle, WA, Emily, Greg and Anke visited Alex and could borrow an Empacher 4x (with the rudder steered by stroke). It was great to row in Seattle and participate in a regatta at a place where rowing is a very common sport. Thanks to our perfect guide Alex we also saw a lot of the city (rowing and by foot).

Learn To Row

2025 class schedule is now available in Learn to Row

BARC Distance Challenge

Updated for January, 2025
Latest Results...
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Board of Directors

Nigel Millard
Vice President
Anne Bertelsmann
Lauren Schultz
Joyce Furono
Members At Large
Susie Jones
Peter Christie
Kathryn Wranischar
Jared Null